Monday, January 27, 2020

Divangi ..episode 1


The story started with a concise presentation of the characters with Hiba Bukhari, assuming the job of Nageen Faiyaz, who has a place with a lower class family. She lives with her sister and brother by marriage. 

Her sister bolsters her and attempts to give her the best, yet her brother by marriage, played by Noor Ul Hasan, and his mom think about her a weight. After she finishes her BA, she has a go at getting a new line of work yet couldn't get a decent one. Her brother in law convinces her to take the activity of a transport lady, and given her conditions, she concurs. 

 Danish Taimoor playing the character of Sultan Durrani, a youthful business magnate who drives his life dependent on the principles he has set for himself. He is demonstrated to be inflexible about them and doesn't settle on them at any expense. 

We likewise observe that Sultan's uncle is a lawmaker with critical impact and needs him to join governmental issues as well. In any case, he means to concentrate on growing his dad's organizations before he can take some different obligations.
 Sultan likewise has a cousin Narmeen, played by Zoya Nasir, who wishes to get merried to Sultan and is excessively passionate 

 Danish Taimoor and Hiba Bukhari gave amazing exhibitions and were absolutely fit for their jobs

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