Monday, June 1, 2020

Nigger's death

He called out to his Mom .... who died 2 years ago on this same day😭😭😭😭😭RIP
Face Down.
Knee on his neck.
They did nothing.

He called the officer "Sir."
They did nothing.

He begged for his life.
He begged for water.
He begged for mercy.
They did nothing.

His nose bled.
His body trembled.
He lost control of his bladder.
They did nothing.

He cried out, "I can't breathe."
They did nothing.

Twelve more times.

"I can't breathe."
"I can't breathe."
"I can't breathe."
"I can't breathe."
"I can't breathe."
"I can't breathe."
"I can't breathe."
"I can't breathe."
"I can't breathe."
"I can't breathe."
"I can't breathe."

They did nothing.

One last time, he gasped, "I can't breathe."
They did nothing.

He lost consciousness.
They did nothing.

A firefighter demanded they check his pulse.
They did nothing.

Off duty medical personnel begged them to stop.
They did nothing.

Deprived of oxygen.
His organs screaming.
His brain frantic.
They did nothing.

They watched George Floyd die.
His life fading.
A slow death.
They did nothing.

A lynching on the ground.
They did nothing.

For eight agonizing minutes.
Four officers watched.

He cried out for his Mom...
A grown man...
Crying out for the woman who gave him life....
As he feared joining her in death.
And still they did nothing.

A black man.
A gentle giant.
Murdered because he was black.
And still, they've done nothing..

The officers should be arrested.
And still they've done nothing.

Dont be too heartless to type REST IN PEACE
Rest In Peace 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

May justice be served

keep Sharing to everyone and all groups on Facebook



Saturday, March 7, 2020

Feroze Khan quits Showbiz Industry

Feroze Khan, one of the most capable Pakistani actors,

he performed as an actor in various dramas and films like gul-e-
rana,chup raho and ishqiya etc.

He finally declared that he quit the showbiz business.Feroze khan said:

Feroze Khan performed Umrah a year ago. He at that point started meeting Mulana Tariq Jamil to find out about Islam.

 He began showing less on the Television screen and concentrated more on his spiritual way.

Feroze khan declared the uplifting news for his fans. He quit his acting buisness and will offer his services for the educating of Islam. He demands every body to appeal to God for him and his dearest fans.
Feroze Khan  tweeted on Khalil and Marvi's contention. He shared the Quran verse which states that ladies should cover their appearances with a bit of fabric so nobody can stare at them. He shared another Quran verse which expresses that Men should hold their eyes down that will make them increasingly pure.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Coronavirus in Pakistan (latest news)

Chorona virus ealuated in two persons in Pakistan

 The Pakistani health department on Wednesday confirmed two constructive instances of  Coronavirus in the PAKISTAN, saying both the persons tested positive for the deadly infection, one each in Karachi and Islamabad, who had ventured out to Iran for journey to sacred locales and on their arrival to the nation, they found in Coronavirus. In perspective on the developing circumstance, both Sindh and Balochistan governments have shut down every single academic foundation. 

Special Assistant to Prime Minister Dr. Zafar Mirza said 
"I can confirm the initial two instances of coronavirus in Pakistan. The two cases are being dealt with as indicated by the clinical standard conventions and both of them are not in critical condition. There is no basic reason to panic, conditions are under control." 

The Sindh health department confirmed about the first patient of choronavirus as Syed Muhammad Yahya Jaffri, 22, an inhabitant of Karachi who had made a trip to Mashhad and Tehran in Iran, saying he flew back to Pakistan a week ago and created side effects like those of having the respiratory illness brought about by COVID-19. "The 22-year-old Jaffri came back from Iran to Karachi via plane. He and his family have been put in isolate and the health department  is looking at all the travelers he had gone with," said Meeran Yousuf, a spoksoerson for the Sindh Health Minister Dr. Azra Fazal Pechuho. 

The health department of sindh educated The News that the patient left for Karachi from Tehran on twentieth February 2020 and stayed asymptomatic till 23rd February 2020. On February 24, he built up a gainful cough and postnasal trickle on 25th February 2020, after which he visited AKUH on 26th February 2020 and was instantly conceded. Accordingb to health department, after Jafrri tried positive for the COVID-19, his relatives and a few companions were likewise isolated. The authorities confirmed that their examples were likewise being investigated to learn on the off chance that they also have any hint of the infection. 

The second individual, who likewise tried positive for the coronavirus disease is an inhabitant of Islamabad and hails from Gilgit Baltistan. The patient had likewise headed out to Iran and came back to Pakistan a week ago, where he created side effects like COVID-19. He was encouraged to get himself inspected at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad. "The patient, in the early 50s, tested positive for COVD-19 and is experiencing treatment at a isolation ward at PIMS. Both the patients remembering one for Karachi and the other at Islamabad are in stable condition," an authority of the National Health Services, Regulation and Coordination affirmed. 

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Ehd e wafa (news up date)

EHD e wafa last episode (news update)


      After the Humayun Saeed, Ayeza Khan  dramatization "Meray Paas Tum Ho" had its last scene showed in cinemass across Pakistan. This time, theories are being done about showing the last scene of the much adored show Ehd E Wafa in cinemas,  the nation over.

According to Saife Hassan, Ehd E Wafa's chief, "The shooting of the show is finished and there will be close to 26 scenes. Additionally the finale may be showed in cinemas. Be that as it may, a ultimate conclusion will be made once Momina Duraid, the maker, comes back from her excursion abroad." 

The tale of the drama rotates around four companions who meet at Cadet College in Murree and they are breaking  rules and regulations, discovering lady friends and enjoying every day, yet later on during their school day's there's a misconception between these friends and because of the misconception their friendship breaks and they would prefer not to meet once more.
Presently, approaching its peak, the four friendss have made an effective spot for themselves in their lives. Shahzain (Osman Khalid Butt) is a built up politicianr, Shariq (Wahaj Ali) is an effective jounalist, Shehryar (Ahmed Ali Akbar) an associate official and Saad (Ahad Raza Mir) a military
Prior, drama Meray Paas Tum Ho's finale showed in cinemas in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad. Attributable to the popularity oef the dramatization, record breaking number of tickets were sold in Pakistan. In the event that the equivalent occurs for Ehd E Wafa, it would help the withering business of cinemas in the nation.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Precautions for corona virus

Precautions for corona virus:

WHO's standard suggestions for the overall population to decrease presentation to and transmission of a scope of sicknesses are as per the following, which incorporate hand and respiratory cleanliness, and safe nourishment rehearses: 

Every now and again clean hands by alcohol based rub or cleanser and water; 

°When coughing and sneezing cover your mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue – discard tissue quickly and wash hands; 

°Avoid from close contact with any individualho has fever and hack; 

°If you have fever, cough and trouble breathing seek medical care early and share past movement history with your social insurance supplier; 

°When visiting live markets in territories at present encountering instances of novel coronavirus, stay away from direct unprotected contact with live creatures and surfaces in contact with animals. 

°The utilization of raw or half-cooked animal products ought to be maintained a strategic distance from. Crude meat, milk or creature organs ought to be maneuvered carefully, to maintain a strategic distance from cross-sullying with uncooked nourishments, according to great sanitation rehearses.

What is corona virus and its symptoms

What Is a Coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a group of infections known for containing strains that cause conceivably destructive maladies in well evolved creatures and fowls. In people they're ordinarily spread by means of airborne beads of liquid created by contaminated people.

Some uncommon however striking strains, including Wuhan coronavirus (2019-nCoV), and those liable for extreme intense respiratory disorder (SARS) and Middle East respiratory disorder (MERS), can cause passing in people.

First portrayed in detail during the 1960s, the coronavirus gets its name from a particular crown or 'crown' of sugary-proteins that tasks from the envelope encompassing the molecule. Encoding the infection's make-up is the longest genome of any RNA-based infection – a solitary strand of nucleic corrosive approximately 26,000 to 32,000 bases in length.

There are four known classes in the family, named Alphacoronavirus, Betacoronavirus, Gammacoronavirus, and Deltacoronavirus. The initial two just contaminate well evolved creatures, including bats, pigs, felines, and people. Gammacoronavirus generally taints feathered creatures, for example, poultry, while Deltacoronavirus can contaminate the two winged animals .


Coronaviruses can offer ascent to an assortment of side effects in various creatures. While a few strains cause the runs in pigs and in turkeys, more often than not diseases can be contrasted with an awful cool, making gentle moderate upper respiratory issues, for example,
runing nose,coughing,swore throat and high degree fever

There are a bunch of deadly special cases, which have devastatingly affected domesticated animals and human wellbeing around the world.

Wuhan coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

Wuhan coronavirus was first distinguished in the Chinese city of Wuhan in 2019. At the hour of composing, quantities of contaminated are still on the ascent, with various passings having been accounted for.

Snakes have been suspected as a potential hotspot for the flare-up, however different specialists as of now think about this as impossible.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Divangi,,episde 2

                 Divangi (episode 2)
Living with her cruel brother by marriage, aspiring Nageen Faiyaz works a few humble occupations to break liberated from the shackles of neediness and reliance. 

Functioning as a bus hostess, she meets Mansoor Durrani destined to-be the legislator with incredible impact. Drawn by her essence, Mansoor succumbs to Nageen, from the first sight. 
Narmeen expresses her emotions to Sultan but Sultan rejects her.
Narmeen hurts a lot for the sultan's reaction.You will see episode 3 very soon,just visit this blog time to time.
For the amazing song Divangi
Just click

Divangi ..episode 1


The story started with a concise presentation of the characters with Hiba Bukhari, assuming the job of Nageen Faiyaz, who has a place with a lower class family. She lives with her sister and brother by marriage. 

Her sister bolsters her and attempts to give her the best, yet her brother by marriage, played by Noor Ul Hasan, and his mom think about her a weight. After she finishes her BA, she has a go at getting a new line of work yet couldn't get a decent one. Her brother in law convinces her to take the activity of a transport lady, and given her conditions, she concurs. 

 Danish Taimoor playing the character of Sultan Durrani, a youthful business magnate who drives his life dependent on the principles he has set for himself. He is demonstrated to be inflexible about them and doesn't settle on them at any expense. 

We likewise observe that Sultan's uncle is a lawmaker with critical impact and needs him to join governmental issues as well. In any case, he means to concentrate on growing his dad's organizations before he can take some different obligations.
 Sultan likewise has a cousin Narmeen, played by Zoya Nasir, who wishes to get merried to Sultan and is excessively passionate 

 Danish Taimoor and Hiba Bukhari gave amazing exhibitions and were absolutely fit for their jobs

Divangi drama (story) and song


Saturday, January 25, 2020

Last episode of mery pas tum ho

«Mery Pas Tum Ho»

 ""Kahan jorr payen gy hum dharkano ko

K Dill ki tarha ham bhi tootey howy hen""

Danish has died as blockbuster drama ‘Mere Paas Tum Ho’ ends
Web Desk On Jan 25, 2020 Last updated Jan 25, 2020
The last episode of ARY Digital’s record-breaking drama serial ‘Mere Paas Tum Ho’ has been aired and the audiences across the world have suffered a shock as the drama’s protagonist Danish has died of heart attack.

Fans were left heartbroken after Danish (played by Humayun Saeed), who went to meet his ex-wife Mehwish at her apartment suffered a heart attack. He was moved to hospital where he breathed his last.

The most-loved character of the play only spoke to his son Roomi (played by Shees Sajjad Gul) and assured him that his soul will be there for him even after his death.

The play, starring Humayun Saeed, Ayeza Khan, Adnan Siddiqui, Hira Mani and Savera Nadeem in pivotal roles, became a phenomenon among television viewers across Pakistan.
To listen song -mery pas tm ho-
Just click

Nigger's death

He called out to his Mom .... who died 2 years ago on this same day 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 RIP Handcuffed. Face Down. Knee on his neck. They did not...